Friday, July 2, 2010

Less than 2 weeks!!!

So I'm packing my Carrboro room. I have an exceptionally hard time packing all at once because I find pictures I want to look at or stuff I forgot I had and then of course there's facebook and on and on, so I end up packing more in fits and spurts. This is at least a semi-productive way to fill one of the blank spaces in between bouts of packing. Current countdown to Africa is 12..TWELVE..days. Every time I ask myself (or am asked) how I feel about that my response is different. It's sort of a wheel of fortune wheel with mostly average answers supplemented by bankrupt (freak out mode, i.e., what the hell am I thinking) and 1 million (oh my god I can't wait this is gonna be awesome and I get to speak french!!!).
My biggest concern right now is just having enough time to get everything done. Six weeks ain't a lot.
Sample to-do list:
- buy glasses
- order contacts
- turn in bike form (so Peace Corps knows what size bike to give me)
- fill out pre-orientation (the thing in Philadelphia) forms
- move out of Carrboro and into my parents' house
- figure out taxes
- buy a guitar case
- decide on and buy a camera
- sell my car
I'm big into lists, so much so that I make multiple with overlapping things on them and then I lose some of them and then it just gets all jumbled up in my head. Really I'm an organized person, but that's all gone out the window in the last couple of weeks. June was travel month - I made three separate trips to Milwaukee, Kentucky, and New York, and at this point I've just stopped putting my suitcase away. Traveling combined with ending work and two years in Africa prep just does not lend itself to an organized mind. So my apologies for being all over the place and not knowing what's going on (shout out MH).

I've visited everyone I think I had time to visit - though NOT everyone I wanted to visit (Lahls, Ann-uh,...:(). My last day of work was Friday the 25th, which was coincidentally also my last FTF. Ohh I'm gonna miss you guys. FTF is French Toast Friday for those unfortunate enough to not spend 40 hours a week saving polar bears at EPA. There was a little goodbye thing with an awesome cake with wild (plastic) animals and a map of Africa on it. I got to keep the angry gorilla. I guess it's true of most situations, but I know I'll miss the people at EPA more so than the actual job. I will always love UNC and think the campus is beautiful, but it loses some of its magic without BSE there. Last weekend was also my birthday/goodbye thing. We went to Lake Crabtree on Saturday and laughed, ate, and played, and then relived college on Franklin St. It was awesome :) Thank you thank you guys for showing up and blasting me with water balloons and bringing awesome food and cake and manning the grill and making me have so so much fun. Je vous aime.

I hope this is semi-readable, if not, well...see above. Casey is here this weekend until Wednesday which I'm super excited about. So now it's: finish packing for the day, pick her up at the airport, get to eat whatever my mom is making. Ready set...weekend!


  1. love that photos roast! & i love you!

  2. Molly I am so excited for you! I will miss you and as soon as I get your updated address the letters will flood your mailbox!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
